Chapter 5

Billy was having a dance party! He was super excited! A friendly client/acquaintance of his, a cockatoo named Raeyr, had a club, and he was going to let Billy create a whole theme night and everything. Billy was super-duper stoked! It was going to have lots of colored lights, and glow sticks, and snacks, and he’d asked Raeyr to include some of his friends’ favorite kinds of music (well, the tastes of those he was aware of, at least). There would be some danceable hip-hop for his SharkBro, and 80’s for his BatBro…but he didn’t know what his SnakeBro or OctoBro liked, so he hoped they liked what was played. 

He took time to prepare for the dance party, making sure to have his claws and back spikes painted with glow-in-the-dark, UV reflective paint (he had to get help). Then, he helped his friends get ready! Vinny’s wings got a brush of UV paint, while Endrik opted for the suckers on his tentacles. Brandon insisted on only his teeth getting the treatment, but Charlie was harder to figure out, and it bummed Billy out. Everyone thought for a little while, and eventually they decided to paint designs on their SnakeBro. First, they did eye paint that reminded them all of what you saw in movies like The Mummy. Then, at the back of what they guessed would be h is neck, they painted an ankh, and the tip of his tail. Charlie was pleased, and hissed with happiness. 

At the club, they were greeted by Billy’s BirdBro, who said hi and told them it was an open bar, just for them, but to try and not be too crazy. Raeyr then wished them fun, and wandered off, meandering with the crowd or sometimes playing DJ. Some of the Bros were hesitant to party at first, but soon enough they loosened up and got into the groove of things, which made Billy super happy. 

There were all kinds of Bros and Babes dancing, and after a few drinks and a lot of dancing, Billy thought he spied some familiar faces. There was a moth, whose wings and glow-in-the-dark dust spread on the eye patterns on its wings, hanging out near a fox who had painted all her not red bits with uv paint, and seemed to really be enjoying all the attention she was getting. At another part, Billy thought he saw a black cat, but when he looked closer it wasn’t a cat as much as it was a monkey. 

He partied some more, meeting up with friends periodically, though later in the evening while trying to get something from the bar, something caught his attention, just at the corner of his eye – something familiar. It took him a moment to find it, and then he gawked and blushed. It looked just like the super cute dragon from his dream! Her back ridges and claws glowed under the black light, and she was dancing…with his BirdBro! 

Billy was having a hard time processing that the cute dragon from his dreams was very real, so it didn’t occur to him to do anything other than stare for a while. He had been gone so long, his bros came to find him. 

“Billy, you okay?” Charlie asked. But Billy didn’t answer. Vinny closed Billy’s mouth and waved a hand in front of the little Dino’s face, causing him to blink and look around. Charlie repeated his question. 

“Rawr!” Billy said, looking at Charlie, but pointing toward what he’d been looking at. 

“Dude, there’s a lot of pretty shit here.” Vinny remarked. “Be specific.”

“Rawr rawr rawr!” he said, flailing his arms like crazy. 

“Do you ever feel like Billy is sometimes our Lassie?” Endrik whispered to Brandon. 

“Then who is our Timmy?” Brandon asked, chuckling. Endrik laughed a little as well, but they were both looking at Vinny. 

“A dragon?” Charlie asked. Billy nodded vigorously in response. Charlie looked over, but didn’t see anything. 

“I think she’s gone, dude.” Vinny replied. 

“Rawr.” Billy said, feeling said. 

“Why don’t we just asssk your BirdBrow friend about her?” Charlie inquired. This made Billy perk up again. 

“Rawr!” Billy said, congratulating Charlie on the great idea. 

The only problem? BirdBro had wandered off! And so had Vinny! Oh, now what would Billy do? Would he ever find the pretty dragon again?

Billy: Rawr?
Author: Well, I’ll guess you’ll have to wait and find out, little dino
Billy: Rawr…
Author: Don’t frown. I promise we’ll see her again.
Billy: Rawr?
Author: Really.

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