Chapter 3

“Rawr!” Billy called after his friends as they left. He was a happy little dino. Not only was he friends with Vinny the Bat and Brandon the Shark, but he had met new friends too! 

Endrik the Octopus was an interesting sort. He seemed like a good guy, but was always trying to build things out of other things, like those things were Legos. Billy figured he was just some kind of artist. Sometimes what he made was really neat! Other times, they were really weird. 

Charlie the Snake he thought was just really cool. First, he was a snek! And sneks were cool! Charlie also had scales, just like he did! Only Charlie’s were black, and Billy’s were green. Then, Charlie could often be quite, but he was really awesome when it came to philosophizing! Billy liked having someone to philosophize with.

After everyone left, Billy yawned. He felt sleepy after a long night of hanging out with everyone, so he locked the doors, and turned off the lights, with the intention of going to bed. When he turned off the lights though, there was a noise! Quickly, he turned the lights back on and looked around, but he didn’t see anything, so he turned them back off, and headed upstairs. 

As he headed upstairs, he heard a funny echo, like he was being followed. Quickly, he turned around, but no one was there. He dug around in his fanny pack for his flashlight, and turned it on, looking around for the source of the noise. He couldn’t see anything – but he did hear something! It was a snicker, like someone laughing. 

“Rawr?” he called out, but no one answered. After a long time, he turned around, so he could head back to his room. When he turned around though, he saw a scary face!

“Rawr!” he cried out, feeling scared. Quickly, he ran back downstairs. Every room he went in, the scary face would pop up again, and he would run to a different room. Maybe a scary movie marathon had been a bad idea after all! Billy lost track of where he was running, he ended up getting so scared. It really looked like an episode of Scooby-Doo!

Eventually, he managed to think to run outside. When he looked over his shoulder, he didn’t see the spooky faced ghost – yet. He looked around, and ran for the only place he thought he could be safe – a tiny little greenhouse. He ran in there, and closed the door, then took a minute to catch his breath before he looked around. 

All his plants were there, and they were healthy. Near the back of the greenhouse though, at the workbench, was a funny, pale light. Cautiously, he moved closer. In a shaft of light was another ghost. But this one wasn’t scary. With a mixed cry of relief, happiness and sadness, he ran towards the ghostly Flower, his arms outstretched. To his surprise, the ghost was able to hug him.

“Rawr?” he asked in confusion. 

“My sweet Billy.” the ghost said, smiling at him, petting his head like she used to. “Don’t be scared…I asked Kyle to get you to come here so I could see you, but it looks like he had a little too much fun.”

“Rawr rawr?” he asked, still confused. 

“Silly Billy….it’s All Hallow’s eve. The veil between worlds is thinnest tonight. I taught you that, remember? It’s nearly midnight, which is why I can hug you.” she said, and hugged him tightly again, before planting a kiss on his head. 

“I am so proud of you, Little Dino.” she said.

Billy held on to his  mom, as long as he could, before she began to fade. 

“I’m proud of you, Little Dino.” she said again. “I’ll always look out for you.”

“Rawr.” he said, wanting to say it before she needed to go away again.

She smiled, and the  image and her next worlds would stick with Billy. “I love you too, my Little Dino.”

Billy waited until she had completely faded, then turned around, and caught the ghostly Kyle, waving goodbye and smiled apologetically as he faded. Billy nodded his forgiveness, and then went inside to go to bed. As he snuggled down under the covers, he thought he felt better. He’d gotten to say goodbye to his mama, but also got to know she was watching over him. It made him happy to know that she loved him, and watched over him.

“Rawr rawr.” he muttered, as he fell asleep.

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