Chapter 2

Billy and Vinny got along pretty well as friends. Vinny learned that Billy was a dino of no particular type, and Billy learned that Vinny was a vampire bat. Some things they both liked was fun food, good music, and cheesy movies. Tonight they were set to watch something spooky, but before they did that, they had decided to make pizza. Vince’s pizza, a largely bacon and snausage affair, was almost done, and Billy’s was waiting to bake. Billy’s pizza was typical crust, typical sauce, but piled with all kinds of meats. Presently, however, he was putting something decidedly non-meat on top.

“That’s nor oregano, is it?” Vinny asked as he watched Billy sprinkly small bits of a green plant all over the pie before carefully placing it into the oven.

“Rawr.” Billy said.

“Though so.” Vinny replied, heading to the fridge for a Bludwiser he had placed there earlier. Billy had tried the Bludwiser before. He didn’t like any of the flavors, so he was more than happy to let Vinny not share. It was later, when they were sitting down to their spooky movie and quality homemade ‘za, that a knock sounded at the door.

“Rawr rawr!” Billy said, setting his food down and skating over to get the door. When he opened it, he was greeted by someone new – someone with many, many teeth.

Billy: Rawr rawr?
Narrator: I was getting to what was at the door.
Billy: Rawr?
Narrator: I promise, they’re only a little scary, and never to friends.
Billy: Rawr!

“Good evening.” the new person said, smiling to reveal even more teeth.

“Rawr…” Billy said, sounding a little afraid. After all, the guest at the door was a Great White Shark!

“I don’t mean to startle you, but I smelled Vinny in the area. Do you know him? Vampire bat, tall, lazy?”

Billy blinked once or twice, then turned his head to call into the house. “Rawr…?”

After a moment, Vinny appeared. When he saw who was at the door, he sighed. “It’s okay Billy, he doesn’t bite unless you ask.”

“Rawr.” Billy said, sounding relieved. He invited the shark inside, and closed the door.

“What smells so delightful?” the shark asked.

“Manners, man.” Vince said, mocking his aristocratic tone.

“Oh, quite right.” he said, and held out a fin. “The name’s Brandon. And you are?”

Billy looked at Vinny, then looked at the fin, and shook it vigorously. “Rawr!” he said, proudly declaring who he was.

“Billy.” Vinny translated, after taking a big swig of Blud.

“Oh. Pleasure.” he said to the little dino.

“Rawr?” Billy asked, and pointed to the living room.

“Oh, well if you insist…” Brandon said. Vinny, remembering the shark’s earlier request, retrieved a juicy bit of steak from the fridge for him, as well as some Blud.

“Thank you.” Brandon said, and settled in with them to watch a movie.

Billy didn’t know how the bat and the shark knew each other, but the shark seemed okay, and he trusted Vinny. Besides, Brandon seemed to enjoy the relaxed, no-expectations atmosphere. Maybe he would be a new friend?

Billy: Rawr?
Narrator: We’ll have to wait and see.

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