Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there was a little dino named Billy.

Billy: rawr!
Yes Billy, it’s you – now be quiet and listen to the story.

Billy was a lonely dino. One day, he decided to go out and make some friends. He packed a few things, put on his skates, and went outside. The city was too big to go look for friends, and he might make people mad, or even scare them, so he decided to start by looking in his backyard.

It was a very big backyard. He went all the way from the back door, to where he thought he remembered a fence being, only there was no fence. He shrugged, and skated onward, past the neatly kept lawn and into a more wooded area. It was tricky to not trip on all the fallen debris, but Billy was very good with his skates.

Eventually, Billy discovered a small cave. Could a new friend be waiting inside? Cautiously, he poked his head in, but it was very dark, and he wasn’t sure how he would see. Pouting, he plopped down on the ground nearby and thought and thought about how he might be able to see. After a few minutes, he held up a finger, then rummaged around in his fanny pack (a backpack was too difficult for him to shrug on and off, you see).

After a moment’s rummaging, Billy proudly held aloft a flashlight. “Rawr!” he declared triumphantly. Clicking it off and on three times to make sure the batteries were okay, he slowly rolled his way in. He didn’t see anything at first, but as he went deeper, he began to hear some light snoring coming from ahead. Oh, what was he going to discover?

Narrator: What do you think is in the cave?
Billy: rawr?
Narrator: No, not a bear.
Billy: Rawr rawr?
Narrator: You’ll see….

Billy shined his flashlight all around, and eventually came across a bat hanging from the ceiling. The bat was making the snoring noises, and didn’t notice Billy, who stared in awe at the wings wrapped around it’s body, with the head tucked in. Billy wanted to say hi to the bat, but wasn’t sure how to wake him. So he looked around, and he thought. The bat’s head was tucked into it’s wings, so he couldn’t shine the light in his eyes. Anyway, that would be mean! He couldn’t find anything nearby to poke him with either, so Billy did the only thing he could think of.

“Rawr!” he called loudly, his voice echoing throughout the cave.

The bat began to slowly blink, and then yawn before noticing Billy, looking at him as if to say ‘What the hell, man’. After a moment, the bat unfurled its wings and let go of the cave ceiling, propelling himself downward to land in front of Billy (incidentally letting out a massive fart as he did so).

There they stood, Billy trying not to vibrate with excitement at the potential of having a new friend, and the bat looking him over as it scratched its belly, before tilting its head slightly to the side in a questioning manner, not unlike a dog.

“Rawr!” declared Billy, happily announcing who he was.

The bat blinked in confusion for a moment as its still sleepy mind processed what Billy said. “Uh…mrow?” it finally responded, sounding more like a cat than a bat.

Billy excitedly shook the bat’s claw. “Rawr rawr?” he asked, wondering if they could be friends.

The bat looked at him a moment before speaking again. “Uhhh…no speakenzie dino.”

“Rawr.” Billy said, looking sad.

“I can understand…just not speak it. Sure…we can try being friends.”

“Rawr!” Billy exclaimed, jumping with excitement for a moment. After calming down, he asked “Rawr?”

“You can call me Vinny.” the bat said.

After that, Vinny and Billy went back to Billy’s house, where they had snacks and played video games – and had lots of fun!

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